Aromaleigh v2.1’s Orpheus and Eurydice collection review with swatches

Posted on Tuesday, at bought • 945 views

  • Manufacturer: Aromaleigh
  • Availability: beginning December 2017 from the company's webstore
  • Description: 10 eyeshadows, 10 multupurpose eye/cheek colors, 5 contours
  • Cost/Amount: USD$7.25 for 1/2 teaspoon; USD$3.50 for a 1/8 tsp sample jar; USD$12.50 for 1/16 tsp ten-piece sample-baggie collection; USD$35.00 for 1/8 tsp tem-piece sample-jar collection; USD$72.50 for ten-piece 1-gram jar collection
  • Would you purchase again: some colors, yes
Aromaleigh v2.1’s Orpheus and Eurydice collection

I saw this collection and was interested in half of the eyeshadows. They seemed a good mix of neutrals and heathered jeweltones. There are also several blushes and multipurpose highlighter/eyeshadows - I am getting two of the highlighters, and (for now) passing on the blushes. The colorshifting in the eyeshadows is pretty subtle the way that I normally apply my eyeshadows, but the shades I chose to buy, I liked them enough without a more obvious colorshift.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

Aromaleigh v2.1’s Orpheus and Eurydice collection Collection: Aromaleigh v2.1’s Orpheus and Eurydice Collection: Aromaleigh v2.1’s Orpheus and Eurydice

This collection contains:


  • Cruel Fates
  • Depths of Erebus
  • Eurydice
  • Idyllic Pursuits
  • Lord of the Dead
  • Mischance
  • Orpheus
  • Singing Lyre
  • Viper's Sting
  • Wild Solitude

Blushes and Highlighters

  • Bacchic Revelry
  • Beloved
  • Charmed in Stillness
  • Deathly Pallor
  • Divine Right
  • Enamored
  • Farewell
  • Love's Anguish
  • Stone Hearted

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