My Pretty Zombie’s SNAP Cats Benefit collection review with swatches

Posted on Tuesday, at bought • 1067 views

  • Manufacturer: My Pretty Zombie
  • Availability: released in April 2016; available through the webstore for a limited time
  • Description: 4 eye colors, 1 lip color, 1 nail color
  • Cost/Amount: USD$5.00 for the eyeshadows; USD$6.00 for the lip color; USD$8.00 for the nail color
  • Would you purchase again: yes
My Pretty Zombie’s SNAP Cats Benefit collection

Each of these colors were released individually. The first four (Bear, Mauser, Maxwell, Ojo de Gato) were available at the same time beginning April 1, 2017. They were available - only as the set, not for individual purchase - through the month before they (presumably) went back into “the vault.” Next came Tiger, then Buddie and Marzipan, and Butter. Wally was added in 2019, followed by Lemon and Fuzzgrumble in 2022.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

Four eyeshadows, swatched: Bear, Buddie, Butter, and Fuzzgrumble. Four eyeshadows, swatched: Lemon, Marzipan, Mauser, and Maxwell. Four eyeshadows, swatched: Midnight, Ojo de Gato, Tiger, and Wally.

This collection contained:

  • Bear (original)
  • Buddie (2020)
  • Butter
  • Fuzzgrumble (2022)
  • Lemon (2022)
  • Marzipan (2020)
  • Mauser (2017)
  • Maxwell (2017)
  • Midnight (2023)
  • Ojo de Gato (original)
  • Sparrow (2023)
  • Tiger (2018)
  • Wally (2019)

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