Femme Fatale Cosmetics’ Mistress of Dreams collection review

Posted on Tuesday, at bought • 1001 views

  • Manufacturer: Femme Fatale Cosmetics
  • Availability: through the web store
  • Description: 5 eyeshadows
  • Cost/Amount: AUD$17.60 for 3g-stack set; AUD$18.15 for mini size set; AUD$33.00 for full-size set; all colors available for individual purchase
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Femme Fatale Cosmetics’ Mistress of Dreams collection

Greens. Greens everywhere. Warm, cool, pale, saturated…greens. (That’s the Super Condensed Description.) I got three of the shades in this collection, and while Emerald Dream is pretty, it’s just barely too bright for me.

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Femme Fatale Cosmetics’ Mistress of Dreams collection

This collection contained:

  • Emerald Dream — metallic bright emerald shimmer
  • Eternal Trance — saturated blue-green shimmer
  • Planeshift — medium muted emerald with gold shimmer
  • The Dreamer — medium gilded tan with green duotone shimmer
  • The Nightmare — faded violet with blue-green shimmer

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