Beauty from the Earth’s Dollface blush review

Posted on Friday, at bought • 524 views

  • Manufacturer: Beauty from the Earth Cosmetics
  • Availability: part of the Mineral Blush collection
  • Description: sheer berry-pink sheen
  • Cost/Amount: USD$10.00 for 2.5 grams; $2.00 for a 1/3 tsp sample jar
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Beauty from the Earth’s Dollface blush

This one is gone from BFTE's inventory - so sad to say, if you're placing your final order today, you won't be able to get this blush. (But they've got others that you should check out!!)

Dollface is halfway between Aromaleigh v1's Beauteous and Sweetheart blushes - not as bright pink as Sweetheart, a little more color than Beauteous. Gives you a sheer medium-light color with faint coral tones.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

A montage of three images: top left, close-up of the face color in the pot; top right, the face color patted loosely over primer, to better show the shade and properties; and below, the color applied to the cheeks.

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or look at other entries tagged with blush, Brand: Beauty from the Earth Cosmetics, discontinued, face color, red, sheen, sheer, warm


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