Disclosure Statement for Sparklecrack Central

Posted on Monday, at • 10366 views

Please pardon the gaps...

The site is in mid-migration now (manual migration of over 7,000 entries, so there's a lot to be done.) The entry stubs are created for older content, but for the most part, the actual content isn't there quite yet. I am working on it. Unfortunately I have no ETA. But feel free to link to any page! When the content does get populated, the URL will stay the same.

Disclosure Statement for Sparklecrack Central

In preparation for the blogger disclosure requirements that go into effect tomorrow, December 1 2009:


The only ties I have to any makeup company is that of "consumer" (me) to "merchant" (them). Unless otherwise stated on an individual review, I either purchased the product from them using my own funds, or received a freebie sample as part of the vendor's regular "customer freebie" policy.

I am not employed by nor am contractually bound by any cosmetics company, or by any company directly involved in the beauty, skincare, or cosmetics industries. The last time I worked for a company that sold health- or beauty-related items to consumers was in winter of 1989, when I worked the misses-sportswear unit of a department store.

As of March 2011 I am part of the LinkShare Referral Program. This is one of several "clearinghouse" affiliate programs where a site owner can sign up for the program, and then must apply to the individual vendors for application to their specific affiliate program.

Affiliate Links

Any link with this symbol after it is an affiliate link. I know that some folks dislike using affiliate links, and so I will often include instructions on how to locate the product or item in question without using my affiliate link. If I use an affiliate link for an item, it means that I like the item and think that it's good quality. The merchant I link to may or may not ship to your country - check the individual merchant's shipping and customer service policies.

I'd like it if folks used my affiliate links - so would anyone - but it's not required.

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Disclosure Statement for Sparklecrack Central

Posted on Monday, at • 11667 views

Disclosure Statement for Sparklecrack Central


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