OPI’s Designer Series Mystery review

Posted on Wednesday, at bought • 754 views

  • Manufacturer: OPI
  • Availability: part of OPI's Designer Series collection
  • Description: dark purple holographic shimmer
  • Cost/Amount: USD$9 for 14 ml / .5 fl oz
  • Would you purchase again: yes
OPI’s Designer Series Mystery

This required four coats - not for full opacity, but because the holographic effects just weren't showing up. Under indoor lighting or even a daybulb, the color looks almost black. The dark purple can only be seen in sunlight, or if I only use two coats. This might also be a layering polish - two coats of this under something like China Glaze's Wireless top coat, to add some sparkle but let the purple show through.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

Close-up photo of the middle three fingernails of the left hand, showing the nail color applied. The left hand holding a bottle of nail polish and displaying all manicured fingernails, with 2 coats of OPI's Designer Series Mystery Four fingers in a row, resting on the thumb, with all nails displaying 2 coats of OPI's Designer Series Mystery

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