My Pretty Zombie’s Unicorns, I’m Over It collection review with swatches

Posted on Tuesday, at bought • 425 views

  • Manufacturer: My Pretty Zombie
  • Availability: released in July 2019; available through the webstore
  • Description: 3 eyeshadows, 1 face color, 1 lip color, 1 nail color
  • Cost/Amount: USD$45.00
  • Would you purchase again: yes
All of the entries for the year 2020 were completed before March 2020. Most items were bought in, or before, 2019. And so, despite the pandemic where buying makeup is definitely a lower priority, I'm still publishing these posts.
My Pretty Zombie’s Unicorns, I’m Over It collection

A-YUP! I’m not over the concepts of unicorns (or mermaids), but I’m definitely over every third product launch being unicorn- or mermaid-themed. As with most of MPZ’s collections like this, I nabbed the eyeshadows and left the lip and nail colors. They’re very rich colors, highly saturated, all with shimmer finishes.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

My Pretty Zombie’s Unicorns, I’m Over It collection

This collection contained:

  • Effing Magical highlighter
  • It's Just a Horse With A Horn lipstick
  • Has Been eyeshadow
  • Not As Good As Cats lip balm
  • Overrated eyeshadow
  • Shark Jumper eyeshadow
  • So 2015 hand sanitizer
  • Some Sparkly Shit nail polish

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