Fyrinnae’s Arcane Magic: Electric Stardust review

Posted on Thursday, at bought • 733 views

  • Manufacturer: Fyrinnae
  • Availability: part of the Arcane Magic collection
  • Description: medium-soft cool green sparkle
  • Cost/Amount: USD$6.807.30 per 3-gram jar; $2 per 1/4 teaspoon sample
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Fyrinnae’s Arcane Magic: Electric Stardust

I can almost remember when this was added to Fyrinnae's lineup - I think it was in 2010. I wasn't yet buying from Fyrinnae much, but had stalked the site quite a bit.

Electric Stardust was described (and shown) as changing from a light green to a light blue, at certain angles. I don't see it when I swatch, but that could be because this shift isn't as obvious as some of the other Arcane Magic shifts. When not taking the shift into account, it's a nice strong lighter green that isn't semisheer or prone to fading.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

A montage of three images: top left, close-up of the eyeshadow in the pot; top right, the eyeshadow mixed with water and applied to bare skin; bottom left, the eyeshadow applied dry over primer.

As of June 2014, this color is no longer available. I don't know exactly when this was removed from Fyrinnae's inventory, but I can recall seeing it for sale as recent as late 2013.

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