Concrete Minerals’ Saint review with swatches

Posted on Thursday, at bought • 484 views

  • Manufacturer: Concrete Minerals
  • Availability: part of the Mineral Eyeshadow line; also available in the Sugar Skull kit
  • Description: medium-deep violet-blue satin
  • Cost/Amount: USD$7 for 1.5 grams
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Concrete Minerals’ Saint

This is a gorgeous shade of blue-violet with a satin finish. I have similar - not exact, but similar - colors from other indies…but this one doesn't look good when applied dry. It will fade away unless I apply it over damp primer, or a base, and/or use a sealant spray. It does make an interesting liner; but again, I need to use extra measures to make sure that the color stays through the whole day.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

A montage of three images: top left, close-up of the eyeshadow in the pot; top right, the eyeshadow mixed with water and applied to bare skin; bottom left, the eyeshadow applied dry over primer.

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or look at other entries tagged with Brand: Concrete Minerals, cool, cruelty free, eyeshadow, format: loose powder, purple, satin


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