A little spot of retail therapy

Posted on Friday, at bought • 301 views

I have been jobsearching (this time around) for just over two months. I've read more books, taken an advanced programming class, applied to several dozen jobs, gone on four interviews, and been passed by for three of the positions I interviewed for. Intellectually, I know that in this economy, the fact that I've actually gone on four interviews (and been shortlisted for a few more positions where I didn't actually make it all the way to the interview stage) is pretty darn amazing. But…it can really be dispiriting to keep hearing “Thanks, but no.” So yesterday, while waiting for feedback from a fourth interview and enjoying some of the first appreciable sun we've had in two weeks and trying not to pester the living daylights out of the recruiter who sent me to Interview #4, I was in serious need of distraction. Swatching things would have been one option, but since I really did need to be away from the computer (no feedback expected until today,) I did what just about any beauty blogger would do.

I went shopping. (Huzzah for coupons, BOGOF sales, and store reward systems!)

A little spot of retail therapy

I picked up two of the new Maybelline Color Tattoos: Pomegranite Punk and Edgy Emerald. If I spot a good sale I may head back for Tenacious Teal, Tough as Taupe, and Painted Purple. I like what I've read about their application, opacity, and durability; and I like that there are some brighter shades. (I know that lovers of neutrals and pinks will disagree with me…but MAC has recently pared their paint pot line down to mostly-neutrals, it's nice to have some non-neutrals available on a regular basis!)

I also got two Physician's Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Eye Enhancing Mascara Duos: one for Hazel Eyes, and one for Glam Blue eyes. The Hazel Eyes package had a rebate label on it, so this was essentially a buy-one-get-one scenario. By looking at Nouveau Cheap's site I found out that these have been available for over a year; but they're new to me. I had previously tried the Kajal Eyeliners and was rather disappointed with the wretched design, so it was nice to find the same color-enhancing effects I loved in the Eyeliner Trios…in mascaras. (Though I wish they were waterproof…eh.) While looking at the PF end caps I also saw the new Happy Booster blushes! I have Rose and Natural, and I may go pick up Pink at some point. I like the softer color payoff with very minimal shimmer, and the heart shapes and color-all-the-way-through are big plusses. (I know I could get a similar multitonal effect from the various ‘marbled' blushes and facial powders; but I like the look of actual shapes better. The hearts on the Physician's Formula Happy Boosters, and the leaves on that limited-edition blush from The Body Shop, really draw me in.)

I spotted an Essie Luxe Effects display with the Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure dupe, Shine of the Times, and got myself two bottles. I don't own any other Essie polishes, and I have a few backup bottles of the original (the real) Hidden Treasure; but this was an excellent way to get more flakie goodness into my collection, and try a new-to-me polish brand.

I saw the Revlon Lip Butters, but since I generally prefer stronger colors to tints and since I have quite a few tints from the indie companies already, I passed on those easily. I was half-hoping to find the Magnetix polish displays that were supposed to be at Rite-Aid, but either my local store hasn't received them yet, or they have but just hadn't gotten them out yet.

When I came home I didn't have any phone calls that made me smile (no phone calls or messages at all), so I sat down to watch a DVD and paint my nails with Zoya's Bevin. It's a nice, muted medium-sage green creme that's a little on the thicker side, but it does cover in two coats. I'm watching for any more promotions to order Skylar and Lotus, and am still undecided about Farah. (Though once I saw the color spoon plates and saw the yellow tones in Cho…I'm glad I didn't get that polish. It would *not* look good on my hands!) I think today I may layer Shine of the Times over my Bevin manicure. This weekend I'll be reading some programming books and doing some exercises to hone my skills, but also finishing the job of converting my blog's HTML to HTML5. Next up: create a mobile version of the site.

I'm hoping to hear back about the fourth interview, and meanwhile I applied to 2 jobs, was submitted to 2 others, and today I found out that I was shortlisted for a previous job I was submitted for. So here's hoping that I get positive news soon! (Best of luck to the other jobsearchers - I know of at least five, right off the top of my head. The economy just plain ol' stinks right now. The key seems to be persistance, action, and following up. And keeping cool as much as possible, which seems like an utter impossibility when you're trying to find ways to stay afloat. Thank goodness for a healthy savings, and for that brief contract that gave me a two-month spate of income late last year.)

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