5 Things: Friday, February 18 2011

Posted on Friday, at bought • 311 views

...or as I also call it, the Beauty Blog Friday Five. Long ago, back in 2003-ish, I regularly participated in the Friday Five blog meme (before it imploded, then morphed, then imploded again, then morphed again…and is now apparently active in another iteration.) I don't know whether this is going to be a regular feature or not, but it's kind of a cool way to get quick inspiration at week's-end. Go check it out. You can answer the questions on Phyrra's blog or your own blog - just be sure and link back, if you answer it on your site.

5 Things: Friday, February 18 2011

  1. What’s on your tips? OPI's DS Opulence, but I have plans to paint my nails with Orly's Space Cadet later today.
  2. What skincare products are you currently using?
    Cleanser: Clarisonic. My face is doing the 'initial purge' thing, which is one of the reasons I haven't been posting EoTDs. When people say "I wish my skin looked like it did when I was 15!" I think they've selectively forgotten all the acne.
    Daytime and Nighttime Moisturizer: Olay Regenerist Serum (face/neck), Body Shop Spiced Vanilla body butter (hands, elbows, feet). I don't know why people use different products for day and night (there's got to be a good reason), but this particular combination seems to work for me.
    Makeup Remover: Almay Oil-Free for my eye makeup/mascara, Walgreen's Make-up Remover Wipes for general face
    Lipbalm: not using one. I don't know why so much of my skin seems to dry and crack like a shedding snake, but my lips don't have that problem.
  3. What are you looking forward to this weekend? Re-reading Downbelow Station (or starting it), rewatching Caprica (just finished rewatching Jericho), and swatching. More swatching. Always more swatching...
  4. What are you currently reading? I'm just finishing up the Chanur saga, by C J Cherryh. Next I'll be starting Downbelow Station, by the same author.
  5. What are your three colors of choice for this Spring? Fuchsia, turquoise, and silver. (I've got a whole Miami-Vice-esque thing going on. But no pet alligator.)

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